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tripe de roche
[< Cdn F]
DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.
an edible lichen of the genus, Umbilicaria (or, less often, the genus Gyrophora), having circular, leathery, grayto-brownish thalli found attached to certain rocks by a threadlike holdfast.
See: rock-tripe
[The kittle was full wth the scrapings of the rocks, wch soon after it boyled became like starch, black and clammie & easily to be swallowed.]
I found a very high rock, and this was covered with a lichen, which the Chipeways call waac, and the Canadians, tripe de roche.
A small box of Tripe de Roche is forwarded to your address.
That is good when you journey to meet them, but when you are behind--then comes the misery of empty bellies and "tripe de roche."
[They are] preparing a camp and gathering tripe de roche, main food of the starving men on the return journey.